AIRCAST-STD-DB 6.00 upgrade to AIRCAST-STD-DB 7.20 60890287

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  • Description

If you're currently using an older version of AIRCAST-STD-DB that is more than three months old, you may be eligible to upgrade to the latest version, AIRCAST-STD-DB version 7.10. Here's an overview of the upgrade process:

  1. Check Current Version: First, verify the version of AIRCAST-STD-DB you currently have installed. This information can usually be found within the software itself or by contacting D&R support.

  2. Determine Eligibility: If your current version is older than three months from the current date, you're likely eligible for an upgrade to version 7.10.

  3. Contact D&R: Reach out to D&R to inquire about the upgrade process. You can do this by contacting their support team via email or phone. They will provide you with information on how to proceed with the upgrade.

  4. Upgrade Procedure: D&R will guide you through the upgrade process, which typically involves downloading the latest version of AIRCAST-STD-DB from their website or a provided link. Follow the instructions provided by D&R to install the new version.

  5. Data Migration: If necessary, you may need to migrate your data and configurations from the old version to the new version of AIRCAST-STD-DB. D&R may provide guidance or tools to assist with this process.

  6. Testing and Validation: After upgrading, thoroughly test the new version of AIRCAST-STD-DB to ensure that it functions correctly and meets your requirements. Test all features and functionalities to ensure they are working as expected.

  7. Support and Maintenance: Once upgraded, you may be eligible for ongoing support and maintenance from D&R. This may include access to software updates, technical assistance, and troubleshooting support.

By upgrading to the latest version of AIRCAST-STD-DB, you can take advantage of new features, improvements, and enhancements, ensuring that your broadcasting operations remain up-to-date and efficient.

EAN CODE: 7436917140154